Saturday, August 27, 2005

test posted by Max

Of course, it is all framed within the purview of European social democracy: the Venezuelans are only fighting for what we Europeans take for granted. Still, as Lenin said "one must always try to be as radical as reality itself … Reality itself, it would seem, has been biting Johann hard in the ass while he has been visiting downtown Caracas.

8:45 pm | Permalink | | | Print

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A Passionate Plea For Murder posted by Max

You will need to "mise en place" all your ingredients. If your recipe calls for some ingredients to be roasted, do so. You can use your toaster oven or just dry roast in a pan. You should, however, roast the shrimp paste regardless of what the recipe says. Wrap it loosely in foil and roast in the toaster oven for about 5 minutes at 450F.

Dried chilies are a main staple for all curry paste. Soak them in warm water for at least 15 minutes or until soft. Seed and chop them finely. While waiting for the chilies to soften, turn your attention to the other ingredients. Chop them as finely as you can. You can use your old workhorse Cuisinart for this, but don't chop all the ingredients together, do each separately.

When the ingredients are prepared and ready, start your pounding. The first ingredients into your Krok are chilies and salt. Pound them until very fine, then add the harder stuff such as kaffir lime zest, cilantro roots, galangal, lemongrass, turmeric, or others. Pound them until fine, it will help if you do one at a time. Then add your garlic, again pound finely. The next ingredient is the shallots. After you're done pounding the shallot to a fine paste, the mixture in your Krok will be quite moist. This is the time to add powdered spices were they called for in the recipe. The last to go in should be the shrimp paste, since it is, as the name implies, already in paste form.

3:46 pm | Permalink | | | Print

Friday, August 19, 2005

The Problem With Literacy posted by Max

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus sapien orci, congue ut, scelerisque iaculis, egestas ut, mi. Suspendisse at lorem. Phasellus vel dui. Integer erat nibh, pharetra ac, mollis congue, nonummy sit amet, leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean posuere tellus. Nam sit amet erat. Vivamus congue eleifend quam. Quisque lobortis mauris nec nisl. Nullam tincidunt. Phasellus pellentesque. Vivamus aliquet. Maecenas ipsum est, rhoncus ut, lobortis quis, ultricies sed, sem. Nam ac neque. Etiam mattis sapien sed dolor. Morbi augue arcu, sagittis sed, auctor convallis, laoreet in, odio.
Proin ante nibh, luctus eu, congue at, feugiat at, risus. Mauris ligula est, vehicula sed, varius ut, ultricies sed, felis. Etiam accumsan diam eget wisi rhoncus malesuada. Nullam nec velit. Suspendisse diam. In pellentesque dolor venenatis mauris. Etiam a lectus.
Aliquam lorem erat, vulputate aliquet, consequat non, porttitor non, mi. Quisque neque augue, vehicula id, pretium vitae, ornare eget, mauris. Mauris eget justo. Sed sodales. Donec sed lectus. Etiam fringilla. Donec rhoncus eros ullamcorper arcu. Donec luctus mauris in felis. Donec fermentum gravida lacus. Aenean quis purus ut enim nonummy semper. Nullam purus mauris, aliquam vitae, placerat at, elementum vitae, elit.

Proin sed neque. Pellentesque ante. Nulla leo nulla, molestie quis, aliquet in, luctus eu, pede. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse id velit in augue ullamcorper rhoncus. Nullam vestibulum felis eget urna. Aenean tristique lacinia tortor. Vivamus justo felis, iaculis nec, porta et, sagittis ac, diam. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus eleifend. Integer placerat, magna eu suscipit congue, ipsum augue blandit enim, et malesuada orci pede in risus. Etiam ipsum risus, ornare nec, suscipit at, accumsan sed, risus. Donec id lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Sed et risus. Vivamus et erat vitae lorem dapibus semper. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas neque tortor, pulvinar et, scelerisque non, nonummy elementum, velit.

11:02 pm | Permalink | | | Print

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